Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fox and the Robin

Here is the final illustration for my Decorative Illustration class. It is taken from a story of a fox who tries to lure a Robin out of a tree by telling it that the animal kingdom has a new law of all animals living together in harmony and never to harm each other, of course the robin doesn't fall for it. It was done in Corel Painter with some editing in Photoshop.


Unknown said...

I wish i could see it bigger!

Kira said...

Yeah, I don't know why it wont go bigger. It works on some of them and not on others... It did work when I was creating the blog so it's just stupid!

Candace said...

This is really good! The idea reminds me of this recent forward that I got where this dog is looking up this tree at a squirrel. I'll have to send it to you.

Tora Stark said...

I hope your break is going great, Kira! *hug*